Pink Glitter French Tips

POSTED ON: Thursday, May 23, 2013 @ 9:38 AM | 0 comments

Pink glitter french tips for today!
(I suppose larger photos are more pleasing to the eyes? ^^)
French tips were done freehand so they aren't as consistent as they would be if I had used tape. Do pardon the dry cuticles as I've been cooped up in a very cold air-conditioned office for the whole week.

The pink glitter polish is from Beadstreet at Orchard Cineleisure. I got them at 2 for $2.50 during a sale so that's $1.25 each! Really cheap I must say, and the quality is definitely acceptable for such a price.

The mixture was pretty sticky though so the end result on my nails were pretty rough. But all it took was 2 coats of my trusty old Seche Vite topcoat to even out the surface.

Yes I quite like this simple mani! Have a good long weekend everyone! (:


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