Polish Days May Theme

POSTED ON: Saturday, May 4, 2013 @ 8:42 PM | 0 comments

The theme for this month's Polish Days as set by Hannah from PollyPolish.com is the Number 5 which stems from her "overwhelming memory of Sesame Street" of the number and letter of the day.
Actual day for this month's Polish Days is supposed to be 7th May but since I have all the time this weekend, I thought I would have a go at it today.

The theme 'Number 5' is indeed obscure and the first thought that came to my head was Brad Pitt's Chanel No. 5 advertisement. Of course I couldn't paint Brad Pitt on my nails. Since Hannah allowed a detour on the theme to celebrate Sesame Street, here are my Sesame Street nails featuring Ernie and Cookie Monster!
(I even included my thumb in the photos to show all 5 fingers, hoping to stick to the theme as much as possible heehee...)

On my right hand (yes I can paint with my non dominant hand ^^) is Ernie and his yellow squeaky rubber ducky in the bubble bath. Ernie looks a little strange but I love love love the rubber ducky! Base colour is Revlon's Dreamer, and it still dries with many ugly air bubbles. I can even see the air bubbles in the bottle! Anyone has any idea how to get rid of them?? ):

On the left hand is Cookie Monster with two cookies. My mum thinks they look more like mushrooms rather than cookies so that is a fail. I hope my Cookie Monster has some resemblance to the actual one...
Base colour is Fiery Orange from L.A. Girls. White and blue stripes are obviously freehand so sorry for the untidiness. Spent the whole day doing this mani and I really like it so it'll stay on for a few days (as long as it doesn't chip off on its own)! (:

Do check out other awesome nail enthusiasts and their take on the theme in the links below!!


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