Boston Marathon Bombings

POSTED ON: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 @ 4:01 PM | 0 comments

"Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said Monday night that the death toll had risen to three. Scores were injured at the scene. One of the dead was an 8-year-old boy, according to a state law enforcement source.

Hospitals reported at least 144 people are being treated, with at least 17 of them in critical condition and 25 in serious condition. At least eight of the patients are children. At least 10 people injured had limbs amputated, according to a terrorism expert briefed on the investigation. Several of the patients treated at Massachusetts General Hospital suffered injuries to lower limbs that will require "serial operations" in the coming days, trauma surgeon Peter Fagenholz said Monday night. Some injuries were so severe amputations were necessary, Fagenholz added.


The terrorist attack, near the marathon's finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square. The blasts were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said, on a stretch of the marathon course lined with spectators cheering runners through the final yards of a 26-mile, 385-yard endurance feat."

Source: CNN - Terrorism Strikes Boston Marathon 


So on this day, while many innocent people worldwide are suffering from racial discrimination and mindless attacks at each other, here are purple nails that go out to the victims and people of Boston as seen on @lacqurerdaffair's Instagram. I am well aware that people in the Middle East are also suffering from such incidences and I definitely do not wish for any of these to happen.

And of course people in Boston or anywhere else do not care what colour we paint our nails today, but this is just to openly support a positive cause which is within my means. Just like World Autism Day or Earth Day where painting your nails blue or green wouldn't make any difference to the cause. FYI I do donate heaps of my old clothes, toys and other household items to the Salvation Army every month so I guess I still do my part in helping the needy.

To the people who are affected by such incidents all over the world, stay strong and may we hope for peace.


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