Watercolour Nails

POSTED ON: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 @ 3:05 PM | 0 comments

Being stuck at home on crutches all day long isn't fun at all. In fact it's boring me to tears and I only have my dear laptop and bottles of nail polish for company.

So here's a another new technique I tried using saran wrap again and here's the result: Watercolour Nails!
Got the idea from MissJenFABULOUS's YouTube tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlyWfeVx2Z0

She painted her nails a white base but I was too lazy so I only used my usual OPI Nail Envy as my basecoat. I used 3 colors for this mani: lilac from Nature Republic PP402, a matte baby blue from Etude House and a very light baby pink from The Face Shop.

Although this mani wasn't as pretty as I had expected it to be, it was definitely fun to do! Blotting on the colors and using the saran wrap to spread out the colours onto the whole nail, yes it was very enjoyable and therapeutic indeed! A topcoat does wonders here in blending all the colours together once I'm done to give it a smooth finish. The end result is this pastel coloured watercolour nails, also somewhat marbled or whatever you wish to call it. Oh but cleaning up was a chore with the colours spread all around the nail so I would recommend taping up the sides of the nail (just like when doing water marbling), using some cuticle oil or this really interesting product called Liquid Palisade (which I will blog about soon!).

Daddy drove me out to Sushi Tei for lunch today. We shared a yummy seafood and vegetable hotpot and of course dessert to end of our lunch. The picture here is our dessert, they look a little like mochi but both of them are in fact ice cream. The pink one is strawberry ice cream covered in a milk chocolate shell and the green one is green tea ice cream covered in green tea powder. Yes that cheered me up a little for the day after seeing videos from my friends at yesterday's training which reminded me that I most probably might not be cheering again. ):


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