Floral Nail Wraps

POSTED ON: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 @ 9:44 PM | 0 comments

Hello dears! 
Sorry I haven't been blogging much ever since I've started my internship. It's been a really busy but fulfilling 1.5 weeks at my new job and I am really enjoying it although it also means that I have less time to do my nails. Many new things to handle and of course many learning opportunities along the way. This internship in the F&B industry is literally a dream come true. I get to sample food from our competitors as well as food+desserts from our company's own menu. (: 

Alright so enough of my job and back to nails. 
Used the nail wrap/ nail foil I showed you guys in the last post. Bought these for $2.50 from the market on Sunday. They're really pretty and have stayed on my nails for three days now (although they are chipping and peeling a little at the edges). Application was a breeze since all of them except the thumb, fit my nail width perfectly so I only had to trim the one for my thumb a little. Lined them up, stuck them on and filed away the excess using a nail file. No drying needed, it was done in seconds. I was wondering whether they would stay on my nails longer with topcoat over. So I used my Sally Hansen's Green Tea + Strengthener topcoat but the topcoat wrinkled the nail wrap a little. Seems like I won't be using any topcoat over nail wraps in future! The nail wraps have a glossy finish on their own anyway so a topcoat really isn't necessary. 

I have another design left and I can't wait to try it on! Hope the uncle would sell these awesome nail wraps at the market again this Sunday, I really love these quick and easy nail designs! (: 


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