8 Epic Moments From My Groupmates

POSTED ON: Sunday, November 2, 2014 @ 1:03 PM | 0 comments

I recently read a post somewhere on the top few excuses free riders in group projects give for missing their group meetings. Having finished 3.5 years in SMU (only one more semester to go!), I've had my fair share of free riders in my group too. Of course the typical ones coming from far away lands~ (if you know what I'm talking about). So here's a list of top 8 Epic Moments From My Groupmates, from my personal experience (unfortunately).

Yeah this may be pretty different from what I usually blog about, but just something different for a change. I promise my nails and travel posts will be back super soon!

#1 My laptop crashed.
"My laptop crashed, so all the work I did previously was gone. And oh, I can't do anything for the project now either since I don't have a laptop."

Guys, this is definitely not a valid excuse. Most of us have set up Dropbox and Google docs for our projects and these online platforms are a great way to save and backup your work in case of stolen laptops or laptops drowning in the bathtub. If you really didn't manage to save or backup your work anywhere, there are computers available in SMU's Li Ka Shing Library. I believe the library is open 24/7 nearer the end of the semester too. So no excuses guys.

#2 Dropbox? What Dropbox?
In Week 10...
"Hey, we all have our parts in the Dropbox already. Where's yours?"
"Dropbox? What Dropbox?"

An unbelievable team mate I must say...

#3 Forever overseas.
"I can't attend any meetings, I will be away for the next 4 weeks."

Well what can I say? A man like him is hard to find...

#4 I do not want to do the presentation.
"Alright, so here's how we'll split up the parts of the project for our presentation NEXT WEEK."
"No. I do not want to present."

In my opinion, it would be very fortunate if this person does any work for the group at all. 

#5 Forever late.
"Oh in my country, if you set the time for 2pm, people will only come at 4 or 5pm."

Hello? When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Firstly you are now in Singapore. And in Singapore,  being late for 3 hours is as good as not turning up at all. Well, in my case, yes the meeting obviously ended before this group mate arrived. And guess what, since we never had a proper meeting, this group mate of mine doesn't recognize me and doesn't even know how his group members look like. He probably only knows our names through the emails and whatsapp messages...

#6 I can't do this.
"I am travelling during the weekends. I have other projects to do. I have other modules to study for. I am not confident of doing this. I can't do my part."

Does this sound ridiculous to you or does this sound ridiculous to you?

#7 Forever overslept. 
When a meeting starts at 12pm and ends at 3pm...
(at 1pm on Whatsapp) "Oh sorry guys I just woke up, will rush over now..."
(walks in for meeting at 2.45pm)

When a meeting starts at 2.30pm and ends at 6pm...
(at 6.20pm on Whatsapp) "Hey sorry I just got up. I'll get my stuff (that was due for meeting today) done soon..."

This came from the same group mate of mine. I suspect this person might be nocturnal, just like owls and bats. Maybe I'll forgive you if you're late / absent for one meeting. But twice? That is utterly unforgivable. Honestly, who wakes up at 6pm? Not even when you're furiously partying like there's no tomorrow on Friday night...

#8 Nobody contacted me. 
This fellow here does not have WhatsApp so nobody could send him messages on WhatsApp and he couldn't see our discussions in the Whatsapp group chat.
This fellow here does not have Facebook, so we couldn't have group chats on Facebook or create a Facebook group for the project either.
This fellow here also does not reply normal text messages (SMS), or take phone calls.
This fellow here only communicates through emails, which IMO is the slowest form of modern day communication (after snail mail and fax) considering that you can't be checking your emails 24/7. It is also ridiculous to be emailing someone to say "hey, remember to cite your sources" or "hey, remember to email your slides to the group leader by today", and to get an email reply saying "okay".

Maybe sending a pigeon would be more efficient? Pigeon posts anybody?

Now that you've read the top 8 from my own experience, I'm sure you can relate to some yeah? Or maybe you even have more epic experiences with your group mates to share with me here. Wish you (and myself) luck anyway!!


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