TL Design: Sparckle

POSTED ON: Monday, July 21, 2014 @ 10:42 PM | 0 comments

I'm baaackkk~!! 
Six months was way too short imo. Would very much have loved to stay longer. And indeed, I've never regretted any of the things I've done (whether on impulse or not), but instead regretting the things that I had not done. Well, will probably do a roundup of the whole trip in another post. Today's post will be back to nails, like finally. 

So after a long breather for my nails due to travelling and whatnot, I'm back in Singapore to swatch the last two colours from TL Design's The Good Life Collection. Yeah I know I won this set a few months back but I somehow never managed to swatch all 8 shades in 6 months. World's 2nd greatest procrastinator I know...

And yes, sunlight is great in Singapore for taking photos. But I'm definitely loving the European sun more... :/ Okay so this is Sparckle. Lovely cheery orange polish with holo glitters that "sparkle" in the sun. Teehee I love the name of this polish. Oh oh and maybe it's because of the heat back here in Singapore, I suddenly find that all the polishes from this brand are super easy to apply (as compared to when I was trying to paint my nails in Stockholm). 

7 down, one last one to go!! (:
('Crazy' is the last one actually...)

Really glad to be able to own this amazing set of polish.  Too bad I can't get this brand in Singapore. Did I mention this is the first ever full set of polish I've owned from a single collection? All thanks to dearest @misscelinas! (: 

Short post this one is, I'm still trying to blend myself back into sunny Singapore. How will anyone ever get used to this scorching heat and humid weather? Long list of plans too - losing all the weight I gained since the start of the year is right on top of the list. 

Drink more water and have a good week ahead everyone! 


P.S. it's been exactly a month since I last blogged I'm sorry about that, but a big thank you to all those who've been visiting this space nonetheless! Really appreciate your love and support! 

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