National Day Nails

POSTED ON: Monday, July 28, 2014 @ 9:27 PM | 0 comments

Singpore's National Day (9th August) will be here in less than 2 weeks. Every year, proud Singaporeans will hang our national flag outside our flats for the whole month of August and dress up in red and white on the day itself. This year, Singapore will be turning 49! Chatting with people from other countries has made me realized how much Singapore has changed over these few short years. It's pretty amazing actually! Most tourists who had visited Singapore a few years ago wouldn't have seen the casinos, the theme park at Sentosa or the iconic MBS (Marina Bay Sands). 

So to show the world my tiny bit of patriotism hidden inside me, here's my red and white (and a bit of pink) National Day nails! All the colours are from OPI (which were all purchased more than half a year ago), and mostly from the Couture De Minnie collection. My nail painting skills have obviously turned rusty after 6 months of not doing any nail designs at all. Even simple dotting turns out terrible now... :/ 

Oh yes, and today's a public holiday in Singapore. Selamat Hari Raya to all our Muslim friends out there! And those who don't celebrate Hari Raya, hope you enjoyed the long weekend! (: 


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