Star Gazing

POSTED ON: Friday, July 5, 2013 @ 9:00 AM | 0 comments

I like to show people my nubies from time to time. I have friends who ask me if I am shy or afraid of going out without any nail polish on. The answer is a definite NO. I do go out, go to school or go to work with absolutely no nail polish. Of course I still have OPI's Nail Envy to strengthen my nails when I do not wear any color.

And here's my polish of the week...Jacqueline Burchell's Star Gazing. (Click on the photo to view a larger and clearer version!)

One coat without topcoat and it's so glossy I absolutely love it! Love the huge soft brush and application is such a breeze.

A twitter friend and a cheerleading friend challenged me to do a certain design for my next mani. And these two people are absolute strangers so it's amazing how both of them gave me the same challenge at the same time. Well, challenge accepted. Keep a lookout for my next mani!

Have a good weekend ahead everyone! (:


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