Happy Birthday Singapore!

POSTED ON: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 @ 2:45 PM | 0 comments

@subtleshimmer is inviting fellow Singaporeans to join her in painting our nails red and white to mark Singapore's 48th year of independence. 9th August is the actual day but we can start posting anyway since the celebrations have started! @subtleshimmer is asking all you ladies out there to tag your manis with #nationalday and #nationaldaymani on Instagram. Mine will of course be on my Instagram too! ^^

In case you're wondering why red and white, they're actually the colours of our Singapore flag! Red on top, white below, and a white crescent moon with a pentagon of 5 white stars. The national flag of Singapore was first adopted in 1959, the year we became self-governing within the British empire. And if you're wondering what the colours and shapes represent: 
Red: Universal brotherhood and equality of men
White: Pervading and everlasting purity and virtue
Crescent moon: A young nation on the rise 
5 stars: Democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality

source: Wikipedia - Flag of Singapore 

Okay enough of history and national education...
Here's my mani for Singapore's birthday this year!

Red, white, a little accent of black and little polka dots! 

I did consider drawing the crescent moon and the 5 stars, but I was a little lazy to start on the stars. So I guess polka dots would do! 

The photo below are the three colours I used (from L to R): 
- My Vampire Is Buff 
- Innie Minnie Mightie Bow (from the Couture De Minnie collection)
- Lincoln Park After Dark
And of course my trusty Seche Vite topcoat to seal in my design. 

My Vampire Is Buff isn't really white, it's more like a off-white/cream coloured polish. But it looks whitish anyway. I love this colour combination and all the colours just pops out so perfectly. (: 

Although the more I look at it, the more they remind me of Minnie Mouse. Oh well... Another simple mani. Hope you girls like it! 

And since there's Hari Raya Puasa on Thursday, National Day on Friday, followed by Saturday and Sunday, WE HAVE A LONG LONG WEEKEND! What will you be doing over this long weekend? 

Nevertheless, I would like to wish all my Muslim friends a Happy Hari Raya Puasa and wishing Singapore a Happy 48th Birthday! 


Random side post because I simply love Purple Sage...

Saturday was spent at Gardens by the Bay (GBB) with my lovely Purple Sage operations team, together with my fellow intern Shermaine and the sales person i/c Katrina.

It was a corporate event at Waterview Room. Since neither of us interns have seen an event at GBB, we wanted to visit one even though we had already ended our internship at Purple Sage (see how much we love our company!).

A whole afternoon of preparations and rushing around and here's the final setup! A buffet line (as seen in the first photo), 10 sit down tables with pretty flowers as a centrepiece for each table (second photo), a dessert stations with yummylicious desserts like tiramisu in shooter glasses and macaroons, 2 live stations and exquisite canapés served during reception (third photo).

It was amazing to see how all my dearies from the operations department set up everything from scratch. I love watching how they put everything together to create a memorable event for our clients. It's almost unbelievable to see these people who tease me in the office every other day do all these.

I'll really miss these people - my marketing team, the sales team, the SB team next door, the ops team etc. Should have continued to work till school starts!

So if anyone reading this needs catering for any event (private functions, family parties, corporate events etc), please visit our website for menus, drop our sales team an email or you can drop me an email directly!

An ex-intern of Purple Sage Group Pte Ltd

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