Despicable Me 2

POSTED ON: Saturday, July 13, 2013 @ 11:35 AM | 0 comments

The cutest movie has hit Singapore!
Yes it's Despicable Me 2! Get ready for more minion madness as these cute little yellow things invade your screens. As everyone is going crazy over minions, rushing to the cinemas to catch them, queueing at McDonalds to get their hand on the minion toys, here's the manicure challenge three of my friends set for me.
My twitter friend Kean Kwok, Dewi Tiara from Flare and my fellow intern Theresia.

So....TA-DAA! Presenting to you my minion nails! First photo taken in the office with the little cut out minions Theresia printed (using our office printer...).

And a second picture close-up, so you can see the individual minions up close on each of my nails.

Not as neat as I had expected them to be, but at least you can easily tell that they're minions.

It's great when people recognize these little yellow things on my fingers and exclaim so loudly they scare me sometimes! (: Thank you everyone for the compliments, and even strangers too!

I can't wait to watch Despicable Me 2. I hope you guys enjoy the movie and fall in love with these cute little minions. Hope you guys enjoyed this post and my minion mani too!

Happy weekends everyone! (:


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