Weekend Roundup (15.09.13)

POSTED ON: Sunday, September 15, 2013 @ 11:24 PM | 0 comments

1. #PolishTogether

Today's #PolishTogether theme for the Birthstone Series is SAPPHIRE (blue). Credits to @perpetualfunk for hosting this Birthstone Series and for giving us a heads up for the next few themes to come. So here's a simple swatch of one of my favourite blue polishes today. A rather translucent blue  I got from Beadstreet some time ago. That's three coats without topcoat. 

And here's a preview of the next few themes for the Birthstone Series...
15th September: SAPPHIRE (blue)
13th October: OPAL (your choice)
10th November: TOPAZ (orange)
15th December: TURQUOISE (turquoise/teal)

Do check out #PolishTogether on Instagram to view all the other pretty Sapphire themed manis!

2. Twelve Cupcakes #MidAutummRevolution

Just today I was delighted at the news that I've won a box of a dozen cupcakes from Twelve Cupcakes. Entered their Mid-Autumn Festival Instagram contest where we had to place our cupcake on the "moon" in the little cut out and tag our cupcake photos with #midautumnrevolution.

There's my winning photo above, yummylicious PB Chocolate cupcake set in their Mid-Autumn themed pink cutout and placed on the "moon" leaflet. The background is an oriental mooncake box from Peach Garden. 

The contest ends on 19th September so there's still time for you guys to enter it and win yourselves a box a cupcakes too! I think there're 10 winners every week! You can click on the photo above for a lager version to view their leaflet and the details, or click here to view their original photo on Twelve Cupcakes' Facebook page.

Good luck everyone! I can't wait to collect my cupcakes! ^^

3. School Blues

As Week 4 of school comes to an end and Week 5 begins tomorrow, readings are beginning to pile up and project deadlines are looming closer. 

Amidst all these never-ending tasks and busy schedules, I still need time to hang out with my dear friends and enjoy good food. Need to keep myself sane yeah? Tuesday evening was spent with Wanlin after buying my new toy, Spot the Dog, from Traveller's Planet. We had a good dinner at Medz (pictured below), a tea set with 4 savouries, 3 sweets, a bowl of fries, a mocktail and a cup of coffee/tea for only $10.90. Great variety there and great value for money. 

Apologies for the lack of nail posts, have only been able to manage a single post per week for now. 
All the best with school/work everyone! 


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