Euro Centrale

POSTED ON: Sunday, March 3, 2013 @ 11:38 PM | 0 comments

Yay my new set of mini polish! OPI's Euro Centrale! (Yes I got this from Nail Deck too, that's where all my money goes to these days)
4 pretty pretty colors:
Can't Find My Czechbook
Suzi's Hungary AGAIN!
You're Such a BudaPest
OY-Another Polish Joke!

Can't wait to swatch them soon!
Azel suggested I do some design with Can't Find My Czechbook and You're Such a BudaPest. She thinks these two colours would look cute together.  I thought that was a great idea so do check out subsequent posts for swatches/designs! (:

Also mentioned in the previous post that the nice guy from Nail Deck helped me pre-order this OPI Nail Envy nail strengthener. Using it now and I think it's better than the Sally Hansen one.
Shall continue using it for the rest of the week and  review it after that.

On a very random unrelated to nails note, we are left with 20 days to IHL cheerleading nationals. May the best team win.


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